To own or not to own

Getting your own boat is an important step in your rowing career and a considerable investment. We see the traditional way of owning your gear being challenged by rental or leasing options.

At Rowshop we’re happy to provide you with different alternatives to find which one fits you best.

As a quick overview, we have summarized the different options for the financing of our equipment:


Leasing is also a type of purchase, the difference being that you pay your product according to a financial plan. The purchase amount will be spread out over several months (usually between 12 and 84 months). After the leasing period is fulfilled, the customer is obliged to pay the residual value, usually 5-10% of the list price of the product. With a leasing plan, you can spread the financial pressure over a longer period of time, while still being able to use the product at its full value. The customer is in complete charge of the product and has full responsibility. However, he or she must fulfil all the payments agreed upon in the leasing contract as well as the residual value before attaining full ownership of the product. It is the customer’s responsibility to make sure the product is properly insured (this is available through Rowshop as well).
“With a leasing plan, you can spread the financial pressure over a longer period of time, while still being able to use the product at its full value.”


We see a rapid increase in interest for this financial solution. Renting one of our products means paying for it while you use it, without owning it. You sign up for a period of time, which can then basically keep going for as long as you want. If your product needs service or spare parts, this will be covered by the monthly rental fee.

“Different rental solutions are becoming an increasingly popular way of attaining your own equipment.”

We offer two kinds of rental programs: “Rent” or “Rent to buy”. Rent is purely a rental solution, once the agreed period is over, the equipment is returned and the rental cost disappears.

Rent to buy is an option which gives you the possibility to buy the rental object. You will always get a brand-new product when you start your rental period and you will have the option to purchase that same product at the end of the period. When you decide to do so, a part of your rental fee will be reimbursed and used to partly cover the purchase price. If in the end, you decide not to buy, that is not a problem. Simply return the equipment after the agreed rental period and the monthly payments will be terminated.